EPC Certificate Malta

What is an EPC Certificate in Malta?

The EPC Certificate, Explained

The Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is a document that provides essential information about a property’s energy efficiency in Malta. Whether you’re selling, renting, or undergoing a change of use for a building that requires a PA number from MEPA, you must present an EPC. Similar to household appliance energy labels, the EPC features a scale bar indicating the property’s energy rating and carbon emissions. A higher rating signifies better energy efficiency, while elevated carbon emissions suggest a less energy-efficient dwelling.

Factors Affecting Carbon Emissions

Understanding the Causes

Various factors contribute to high carbon emissions in a property, such as inefficient heating or cooling systems, poorly insulated walls, roofs, or windows, energy-inefficient appliances and lighting, ineffective water heating, and a lack of renewable energy sources.

Acquiring an Energy Performance Certificate

The Process 

When purchasing or renting a property in Malta, the Energy Performance Certificate is one of the essential documents you must legally present. The process starts by hiring a qualified assessor registered with the Building Regulation Office (BRO). These assessors are certified professionals who have undergone specialized training to evaluate buildings’ energy efficiency and issue EPCs.

Finding a Certified Assessor

Navigating the Search

To locate registered Energy Performance Certificate Assessors in Malta, refer to the Building Regulation Office (BRO) within the Malta Environment and Planning Authority (MEPA). The BRO can provide you with a list of approved assessors or direct you to the right resources to find a certified assessor. Alternatively, visit the Building Regulation Office’s website to access the list of approved assessors.

The Assessment Process

Unveiling Energy Efficiency

During the assessment, the qualified assessor will visit the property, inspecting its energy performance. This inspection includes evaluating the building’s fabrics, insulation, heating, cooling systems, lighting, and renewable energy sources. Measurements may be taken, such as wall thickness, aperture size and type, and the presence of photovoltaic panels and solar water heaters.

If the property is still under construction and no physical building exists yet, the assessor will base the Energy Performance Certificate on architectural plans and inquire about the intended construction and finishing details. At this stage, the assessor will also gather information on the energy efficiency rating of the planned energy-consuming systems.

Calculating the Energy Use Rating

Understanding the Results

After completing the inspection, the energy assessor will calculate the building’s energy use rating and issue an EPC, which will be registered and commissioned with the Building Regulation Office.

What does an EPC look like and how much does it cost?

Understanding the EPC

The cost of the EPC itself may vary depending on the assessor, but there is an additional €75 registration fee charged by the BRO for each registered certificate. Though it may seem like an extra expense, failing to present an Energy Performance Certificate to the Building Regulations Office can lead to fines of up to €5,000.

Essential EPC Details

What to Expect

The EPC is a document issued and registered by the Building Regulations Office. Each EPC has a unique certificate reference number and registration date. It contains critical property details such as the address, type (residential or commercial), year of major renovations, and square meters. Additionally, the EPC includes a photo of the front of the building and the certificate’s expiry date.

Interpreting the EPC Scale

Decoding Energy Efficiency

The EPC incorporates a colorful scale representing the building’s energy use in kilowatt hours per square meter per year. The lower the value on this scale, the higher the house’s efficiency. The EPC also indicates Carbon Dioxide emissions in kilograms per square meter per year, reflecting the amount of CO2 required to produce the energy used by the property. Lower CO2 emissions imply higher energy efficiency and eco-friendliness.

Advantages and Recommendations

Maximizing Energy Efficiency

Having an EPC offers valuable advantages as it provides tips and suggestions for making the property more energy efficient. Recommendations may include improving insulation, investing in energy-efficient appliances, and opting for heating or cooling systems with high energy label ratings.


Ensuring Compliance and Efficiency

In conclusion, the Energy Performance Certificate is a crucial document in Malta for understanding a property’s energy efficiency. Complying with the legal requirements of obtaining and presenting an EPC when selling, renting, or altering a property is essential. By working with qualified assessors and grasping the EPC’s content, property owners can take proactive steps to improve their building’s energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions. Always stay informed and consult the Building Regulation Office for the most up-to-date information and criteria regarding EPC reports.

When buying or renting property with Excel Homes, we will guide you throughout the whole process and help you obtain the documents legally required prior to finalising any sale or rental. Contact us today.

Table: Summary of EPC Certificate Requirements


Requirement Description
Mandatory Presentation All properties being sold, rented, or undergoing a change of use in Malta require an EPC certificate.
Qualified Assessor Hire a certified assessor registered with the Building Regulation Office (BRO) to evaluate the property’s energy efficiency.
Inspection The assessor inspects the building’s energy performance, examining fabrics, insulation, heating, cooling systems, lighting, and renewable energy sources.
Calculation of Energy Use Rating Based on the inspection, the assessor calculates the energy use rating of the building.
EPC Registration and Commissioning The issued EPC must be registered and commissioned with the Building Regulation Office.
Validity Period The EPC is valid for 10 years and can be transferred to the next property owner if no major changes affecting energy performance occurred.

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